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SAIMECHANICALENGINEERS 5d1c2e2e2a6dab0001278423 Products
about Aarogya Dairy and Farm Products

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Aarogya Dairy Farm and Product provides Desi Cow A2 Milk, where we have only Gir and Shahiwal cows at our Farm. Aarogya Dairy Farm is located in Hodal Distt. Palwal (Delhi Mathura Highway) which is known for the high quality of green produce. Aarogya Dairy Farm is spread in 5 Acres. At Aarogya Dairy Farm we are concerned to deliver completely nutritious and Farm Fresh milk. Cows are fed with Organic, clean, Nutritious and unprocessed food to Produce A2 Milk which has capability to enhance the Immune system, fight against diseases like Cancer, Heart Attack and Blood Pressure disorder as A2 milk contains omega 3 which regulate the Blood vessels. These Cows are kept away from Hormones, Steroids and any kind of Injections which are used to increase the milk. This natural diet of foods helps produce nutrient-rich milk for consumption. Cows are not in captivity all the time; they are grazing freely for most of the day in our huge natural farm. Regular check-up of cows by a professional Veterinary doctor is arranged.

    about Aarogya Dairy and Farm Products

    Aarogya Dairy Farm and Product provides Desi Cow A2 Milk, where we have only Gir and Shahiwal cows at our Farm. Aarogya Dairy Farm is located in Hodal Distt. Palwal (Delhi Mathura Highway) which is known for the high quality of green produce. Aarogya Dairy Farm is spread in 5 Acres. At Aarogya Dairy Farm we are concerned to deliver completely nutritious and Farm Fresh milk. Cows are fed with Organic, clean, Nutritious and unprocessed food to Produce A2 Milk which has capability to enhance the Immune system, fight against diseases like Cancer, Heart Attack and Blood Pressure disorder as A2 milk contains omega 3 which regulate the Blood vessels. These Cows are kept away from Hormones, Steroids and any kind of Injections which are used to increase the milk. This natural diet of foods helps produce nutrient-rich milk for consumption. Cows are not in captivity all the time; they are grazing freely for most of the day in our huge natural farm. Regular check-up of cows by a professional Veterinary doctor is arranged.

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